Маки зенин знак зодиака

  1. Маки Зенин
  2. Записи Маки Поиск Маки Зенин запись закреплена Доброго времени суток. Будем знакомы, я – студент Токийского магического техникума, Маки Зенин. Обращаться ко мне только по имени. Я являюсь игроводом ролевой̆ по мотивам аниме и манги «Магическая битва» сети WIGNETTE Показать полностью. Наверняка ты задаешься вопросом: «Зачем же эта девушка добавился ко мне в друзья?» Ответ очень прост. Я хотела бы предложить тебе оказаться в мир нашей̆ ролевой̆. У нас довольно интересно , а ещё участники ролевой кидаются вкусняшками, так что не стесняйся и чувствуй себя как дома, но помни о правилах приличия. «Почему же тебе стоит заглянуть именно к нам?» На этот вопрос тоже есть ответ. В ролевой ты найдешь множество интересных РП-постов, повествующих о жизни твоих любимых персонажей, немного красивых артов, которые мы тщательно подбираем, множество интересных рубрик и интерактивов, а так же общения с канонными персонажами и чудесными участниками. Скучно точно не будет. Кстати, тебе стоит знать, что я: Не ролю в личных сообщениях; Не присоединюсь к твоей беседе или ролевой. Извини, но я довольно занятая, так что не стоит даже пытаться меня туда приглашать; Не отвечаю на сообщения по типу «Привет, как дела?». Благодарю за беспокойство, у меня всё отлично, и это всё, что вам следует знать. Я не кусаюсь (а может и кусаюсь), и если что помогу, и отвечу на вопросы, которые появились у тебя насчет ролевой. Участники ролевой всегда будут рады тебе! Магическая Битва • WG Маки Зенин запись закреплена Тетрадь смерти • WG Маки Зенин запись закреплена Обещанный Неверленд • WG Маки Зенин запись закреплена Genshin Impact • WG Маки Зенин запись закреплена Сатору Годжо ︎︎ ᴘᴀды пᴘивᴇтствовᴀть тᴇҕя, пᴘᴇлᴇстный чᴇловᴇчᴇк. ᴘᴀз ʏж ты здᴇсь, позволь нᴀм коᴇ-что тᴇҕᴇ ᴘᴀсскᴀзᴀть. мы — сᴀтоᴘʏ годжо и итᴀдоᴘи юджи ʏпᴘᴀвляющиᴇ пᴘᴇкᴘᴀсной тᴇкстовой ᴘолᴇвой по мотивᴀм ᴀнимᴇ и мᴀнги «мᴀгичᴇскᴀя ҕитвᴀ» и сᴇгодня мы откᴘывᴀᴇм нᴀҕоᴘ кᴀнонных пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй! Показать полностью. тᴇҕя это зᴀинтᴇᴘᴇсовᴀло? отлично! мы ҕʏдᴇм очᴇнь ᴘᴀды ʏвидᴇть твою ᴀнкᴇтʏ ʏ сᴇҕя в личных сооҕщᴇниях, но пᴇᴘвым дᴇлом тᴇҕᴇ стоит пᴘовᴇᴘить, подходишь ли ты по кᴘитᴇᴘиям. ✞ ᴀ вот соҕствᴇнно и они: ₁. отвᴇтствᴇнность и жᴇлᴀниᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть; ₂. коммʏникᴀҕᴇльность и ᴀдᴇквᴀтность; ₃. ʏмᴇниᴇ писᴀть ᴘп-посты (они жᴇ фᴀнфики); ₄. возᴘᴀст от ₁₃ лᴇт ( это нᴇ столь вᴀжно. глᴀвноᴇ чтоҕы ʏ тᴇҕя ҕыло жᴇлᴀниᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть); ₅. нᴀличиᴇ своҕодного номᴇᴘᴀ или ʏжᴇ готовой стᴘᴀницы пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ. ты подходишь? зᴀмᴇчᴀтᴇльно, тогдᴀ можᴇшь смᴇло зᴀполнять пᴘᴇдстᴀвлᴇннʏю нижᴇ ᴀнкᴇтʏ. ₁. твои нᴀстоящиᴇ имя и фᴀмилия. мы вᴇдь должны знᴀть, кᴀк к тᴇҕᴇ оҕᴘᴀщᴀться. ₂. сколько тᴇҕᴇ лᴇт? лʏчшᴇ говоᴘи пᴘᴀвдʏ. ᴇсли ты отвᴇтствᴇнный чᴇловᴇк и готов ᴘᴀҕотᴀть, то то, что тᴇҕᴇ мᴇньшᴇ ₁₃, никᴀк нᴇ помᴇшᴀᴇт. ₃. ᴇсть ли ʏ тᴇҕя опыт ᴘᴀҕоты кп или ʏпᴘᴀвляющим? ᴇсли дᴀ, то гдᴇ? (кстᴀти, ᴇсли подоҕного опытᴀ ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇщᴇ нᴇ ҕыло, можᴇшь нᴇ волновᴀться, мы с ʏдовольствиᴇм нᴀʏчим тᴇҕя всᴇмʏ, что знᴀᴇм сᴀми) ₄. кᴀк хоᴘошо ты знᴀᴇшь ᴘʏсский язык? оцᴇни по шкᴀлᴇ от ₁ до ₅. ₅. ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇсть фᴇйки или дᴘʏгиᴇ стᴘᴀницы? ᴇсли дᴀ, ʏкᴀжи ссылки нᴀ них. ₆. ᴘᴀсскᴀжи нᴇмного о сᴇҕᴇ. опиши свой хᴀᴘᴀктᴇᴘ, можᴇшь повᴇдᴀть оҕ ʏвлᴇчᴇниях и том, что тᴇҕᴇ нᴘᴀвится. всᴇ-тᴀки тᴀк нᴀм ҕʏдᴇт пᴘощᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть с тоҕой) ₇. ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇсть своҕодный номᴇᴘ или ʏжᴇ готовᴀя стᴘᴀницᴀ пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ? ₈. нʏ и нᴀконᴇц, кᴀкого пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ ты хочᴇшь зᴀнять? нᴀсколько хоᴘошо ты знᴀᴇшь ᴇго кᴀнон? ᴘᴀсскᴀжи о ᴇго хᴀᴘᴀктᴇᴘᴇ в нᴇскольких стᴘочкᴀх. (список зᴀнятых и своҕодных пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй ты сможᴇшь нᴀйти в коммᴇнтᴀᴘиях к этой зᴀписи) ₉. ᴀ что нᴀсчᴇт должности? нᴀ кᴀкʏю пᴘᴇтᴇндʏᴇшь? (список должностᴇй чʏть нижᴇ) ₁₀. остᴀвишь стᴘᴀницʏ пᴘи ʏходᴇ? ᴇсли онᴀ создᴀнᴀ нᴀ твой номᴇᴘ, ты можᴇшь зᴀҕᴘᴀть ᴇᴇ сᴇҕᴇ, лиҕо жᴇ отдᴀть ᴘолᴇвой. в тᴀком слʏчᴀᴇ мы ʏкᴀжᴇм, чтоҕы слᴇдʏющий влᴀдᴇлᴇц пᴘивязᴀл дᴘʏгой номᴇᴘ. ₁₁. нᴀпиши ᴘп-пост пᴘо своᴇго пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ нᴀ своҕоднʏю тᴇмʏ. ᴘᴀзмᴇᴘ пᴘимᴇᴘно ₁₅ компьютᴇᴘных стᴘок. × ʏпᴘᴀвляющий гг/ зᴀмᴇститᴇль ʏпᴘᴀвляющᴇго гг (возьмʏ опытного); × ʏпᴘᴀвляющий дг/ зᴀмᴇститᴇль ʏпᴘᴀвляющᴇго дг (возьмʏ опытного); × ᴀнкᴇтолог; × игоᴘовод; × ᴘʏҕᴘиковод; × ᴘᴀспᴘᴇдᴇляющий; × отвᴇтствᴇнный зᴀ ʏчᴇт ʏчᴀстников; × постовик дг; × лидᴇᴘы стоᴘон; × отвᴇтствᴇнный зᴀ ᴘп-вᴇчᴇᴘᴀ. ᴇсли зᴀхочᴇшь поподᴘоҕнᴇᴇ ʏзнᴀть о кᴀкой-то из должностᴇй, оҕᴘᴀщᴀйся к нᴀм, мы с ᴘᴀдостью отвᴇтим нᴀ люҕыᴇ твои вопᴘосы! список зᴀнятых пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй ҕʏдᴇт оҕновляться в коммᴇнтᴀᴘиях. ҕʏдᴇм с нᴇтᴇᴘпᴇниᴇм ждᴀть твою ᴀнкᴇтʏ. ʏдᴀчи, милый дᴘʏг! Источник Maki Zenin Maki Zenin Biographical Information Kanji Rōmaji Personal Description Species Birthday Gender Height Hair Color Eye Color Professional Status Status Relatives Occupation Affiliation Grade First Appearance Manga Debut Anime Debut Portrayal Japanese Voice English Voice Maki Zenin ( 禪 ( ぜん ) 院 ( いん ) 真 ( ま ) 希 ( き ) , Zen’in Maki ? ) is a major supporting character in Jujutsu Kaisen and one of the main protagonists of its prequel, Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High. She is currently a second-year at Tokyo Jujutsu High. Originally from the Zenin family, Maki left on her own due to being rejected for her lack of cursed energy. She studies to become a strong sorcerer despite her own family working against her. Contents Appearance Maki is a tall athletic young woman with golden eyes and long black hair (dark green in the anime) normally tied into a ponytail. She has a fringe over her forehead with smaller strands framing her cheeks and is usually sporting a pair of glasses that allows her to see curses. Maki’s jujutsu student uniform consists of the traditional long sleeve jacket with a skirt. As a first year, she wore long socks with shoes with her uniform, but she currently wears black leggings. While training, Maki wears a black jersey with dark colored cuffs, collar, and bottom edge, dark colored shorts over black pants, and white shoes. While training Yuta Okkotsu, Maki wore the same top, black shorts, black socks, and white shoes. Her casual clothes consist of a white hoodie over a black and white horizontal shirt, white shorts over black pants, and white boots. Following the events of the Shibuya Incident, the left side of Maki’s body is covered in third-degree burns following her encounter with Jogo. Her hair has also been cut shorter. She wears a jacket and a belt over her student uniform. As a child, Maki had he hair extended to the bottom of her head, a dark colored kimono with a black sash. When Maki was a member of the Zenin clan, she wore a white yukata and a black hakama. Personality Maki yelling at Yuta for getting them in a troublesome situation. Maki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tends to be quite blunt. She is strong willed and motivates herself to escape the ties of her sorcerer family. For her entire life, she has been mistreated and put down for being a woman and a non-sorcerer by the Zenin family. Despite feeling cursed by her own family, Maki strives to become a sorcerer and prove everyone wrong, breaking the foundation of their way of life that she so rejects. Maki and Mai were originally going to stay together with the Zenin family but the older twin decided she couldn’t live that way. Rejected by her own family, Maki’s bonds lie within her classmates whom she normally takes the leadership role with. She’s very tough on them in training, very impatient and often hot-tempered. She only wishes to see them get stronger as they fight beside her and has taught many of her peers how to properly wield a variety of weapons, even if they had to get beaten up by her a lot to reach that point. Maki telling herself not to go feeling accepted for once. With Yuta, Maki was initially annoyed with his shy attitude and felt that he had no business being at Tokyo Jujutsu High as a cursed victim. However, after fighting beside him and learning to understand one another, Maki discovered they weren’t so different. In fact, Yuta was the first person to truly make her feel accepted. In this instance, Maki’s tough exterior tried to repress her emotions with frustration but she couldn’t help but feel moved in a very rare show of emotion. All of the students at Tokyo Jujutsu High respect her, and Yuji could feel her aura of leadership before even getting to know her. On missions, Maki is always focused on the task at hand is professional as a sorcerer. She follows orders and can even work with her family members cordially if the task calls for it. Additionally, while competing against her twin sister, Maki treated it as any other fight and dispatched her quickly. Abilities and Powers Maki easily exorcising curses. Overall Skill Level: Maki’s Grade 4 sorcerer ranking is not at all reflective of her actual ability in battle. Her promotion was stalled for years due to the Zenin family and she can easily exorcise a grade 2 curse. Her physical prowess is second only to Yuji Itadori’s among the students and she is a master of a wide assortment of different weapons. Wielding cursed tools, Maki is an effective sorcerer despite her lack of cursed energy because she makes up for it with astonishing physical abilities. Maki quickly catching up to Kasumi. Compared to other jujutsu students, Maki is often underestimated. However, she was able to effortlessly overwhelm Kasumi Miwa as well as completely dominate her sister in a fight. Against special grade cursed spirits, Maki has proven to be a valuable asset in battle. She and Megumi Fushiguro were able to buy enough time against Hanami for reinforcements to arrive. While fighting alongside Naobito Zenin and Kento Nanami against Dagon, Maki was a step slower than the seasoned grade 1 sorcerer but was still able to hold her own as well. Master Weapons Specialist: Able to wield a wide assortment of different weapons, Maki is considered to be an expert in all sorts of weaponry. She normally uses spears in battle but is fully capable of switching between multiple weapons in the course of a single fight. During the Goodwill Event, Maki broke the handle of her own spear, then took Kasumi’s sword, and once that broke, she utilized a three section staff to fight. She is also fully capable of incorporating martial arts such as aikido into close range combat. Maki using an aikido disarming technique. Additionally, Maki is also a very capable teacher. Not only did she turn Yuta in a swordsman practitioner and a decent sparring partner, she’s also helped Megumi learn to wield different weapons as well. High Intellect: Raised by the Zenin family, Maki has a good grasp on all aspects of the jujutsu world. She can stay one step of her opponent in battle and can read other people’s moves through their personalities. Maki was the one who came up with the Tokyo Team’s initial strategy to counter Aoi Todo’s one track mind and brute strength. Enhanced Strength: Maki possess extraordinarily high levels of strength, capable of overpowering weaker opponents with ease. She was able to knock Aoi Todo, a notoriously strong student, out cold by hitting him in the face with a baseball. Maki also broke a wooden polearm over her thigh, something no normal human would be capable of. Enhanced Speed & Reflexes: Maki is extremely fast and possesses superhuman reflexes, enough for a special grade cursed spirit like Hanami to acknowledge her prowess. She is sharp and highly mobile, capable of effortlessly slicing bullets out of the air with a sword and can even catch a bullet shot at close range with her bare hands. Enhanced Durability & Vitality: Maki was able to withstand a point-blank attack by Jogo’s innate technique (Disaster Flames), although the attack left her unconscious and seriously injured, she still resisted it much better than other sorcerers of rank 1 or higher. She was able to recover from her injuries in a few days to the point of being able to return to action, although they left severe scars on her face. Jujutsu Cursed Energy Manipulation Zero Cursed Energy: Maki originally possessed very low levels of cursed energy, comparable to the average non-sorcerer. She couldn’t see curses without glasses imbued with cursed energy and still has to use cursed tools to exorcise them. With Mai’s death, Maki’s sister took the remaining cursed energy between them. This improved Maki’s Heavenly Restriction in a similar fashion to Toji Fushiguro, making her immensely more powerful. Heavenly Restriction As a trade-off for her low cursed energy, Maki has superhuman physical prowess. She was born with extraordinary physical capabilities that would eventually grow into superhuman strength and speed. This is what allows Maki to act as a jujutsu sorcerer despite not having enough cursed energy to be truly considered one. This further improved after Maki lost what little cursed energy she had, greatly increasing her physical prowess even further. Источник
  3. Maki Zenin
  4. Maki Zenin
  5. Biographical Information
  6. Kanji
  7. Rōmaji
  8. Personal Description
  9. Species
  10. Birthday
  11. Gender
  12. Height
  13. Hair Color
  14. Eye Color
  15. Professional Status
  16. Status
  17. Relatives
  18. Occupation
  19. Affiliation
  20. Grade
  21. First Appearance
  22. Manga Debut
  23. Anime Debut
  24. Portrayal
  25. Japanese Voice
  26. English Voice
  27. Contents
  28. Appearance
  29. Personality
  30. Abilities and Powers
  31. Jujutsu
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Маки Зенин

Зенин Маки (Zenin Maki) —
персонаж приквела и основной серии Jujutsu Kaisen. Маг, студент второго года обучения в Столичной технической школе магии. Она из Основного дома клана Зенин.

Маки — высокая и хорошо сложенная девушка. Её обычная причёска: высокий хвост и косая чёлка. На зрение не жалуется, но носит зачарованные очки, чтобы видеть проклятия.

Униформа: длинный чёрный пиджак с длинными рукавами, чёрная юбка.

  • Записи Маки
  • Поиск

Маки Зенин запись закреплена

Доброго времени суток.

Будем знакомы, я – студент Токийского магического техникума, Маки Зенин. Обращаться ко мне только по имени. Я являюсь игроводом ролевой̆ по мотивам аниме и манги «Магическая битва» сети WIGNETTE
Показать полностью.

Наверняка ты задаешься вопросом: «Зачем же эта девушка добавился ко мне в друзья?» Ответ очень прост. Я хотела бы предложить тебе оказаться в мир нашей̆ ролевой̆. У нас довольно интересно , а ещё участники ролевой кидаются вкусняшками, так что не стесняйся и чувствуй себя как дома, но помни о правилах приличия.

«Почему же тебе стоит заглянуть именно к нам?» На этот вопрос тоже есть ответ. В ролевой ты найдешь множество интересных РП-постов, повествующих о жизни твоих любимых персонажей, немного красивых артов, которые мы тщательно подбираем, множество интересных рубрик и интерактивов, а так же общения с канонными персонажами и чудесными участниками. Скучно точно не будет.

Кстати, тебе стоит знать, что я:

Не ролю в личных сообщениях;

Не присоединюсь к твоей беседе или ролевой. Извини, но я довольно занятая, так что не стоит даже пытаться меня туда приглашать;

Не отвечаю на сообщения по типу «Привет, как дела?». Благодарю за беспокойство, у меня всё отлично, и это всё, что вам следует знать.

Я не кусаюсь (а может и кусаюсь), и если что помогу, и отвечу на вопросы, которые появились у тебя насчет ролевой.

Участники ролевой всегда будут рады тебе!

Магическая Битва • WG
Маки Зенин запись закреплена
Тетрадь смерти • WG
Маки Зенин запись закреплена
Обещанный Неверленд • WG
Маки Зенин запись закреплена
Genshin Impact • WG
Маки Зенин запись закреплена
Сатору Годжо

︎︎ ᴘᴀды пᴘивᴇтствовᴀть тᴇҕя, пᴘᴇлᴇстный чᴇловᴇчᴇк. ᴘᴀз ʏж ты здᴇсь, позволь нᴀм коᴇ-что тᴇҕᴇ ᴘᴀсскᴀзᴀть. мы — сᴀтоᴘʏ годжо и итᴀдоᴘи юджи ʏпᴘᴀвляющиᴇ пᴘᴇкᴘᴀсной тᴇкстовой ᴘолᴇвой по мотивᴀм ᴀнимᴇ и мᴀнги «мᴀгичᴇскᴀя ҕитвᴀ» и сᴇгодня мы откᴘывᴀᴇм нᴀҕоᴘ кᴀнонных пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй!
Показать полностью.

тᴇҕя это зᴀинтᴇᴘᴇсовᴀло? отлично! мы ҕʏдᴇм очᴇнь ᴘᴀды ʏвидᴇть твою ᴀнкᴇтʏ ʏ сᴇҕя в личных сооҕщᴇниях, но пᴇᴘвым дᴇлом тᴇҕᴇ стоит пᴘовᴇᴘить, подходишь ли ты по кᴘитᴇᴘиям.

✞ ᴀ вот соҕствᴇнно и они:

₁. отвᴇтствᴇнность и жᴇлᴀниᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть;
₂. коммʏникᴀҕᴇльность и ᴀдᴇквᴀтность;
₃. ʏмᴇниᴇ писᴀть ᴘп-посты (они жᴇ фᴀнфики);
₄. возᴘᴀст от ₁₃ лᴇт ( это нᴇ столь вᴀжно. глᴀвноᴇ чтоҕы ʏ тᴇҕя ҕыло жᴇлᴀниᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть);
₅. нᴀличиᴇ своҕодного номᴇᴘᴀ или ʏжᴇ готовой стᴘᴀницы пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ.

ты подходишь? зᴀмᴇчᴀтᴇльно, тогдᴀ можᴇшь смᴇло зᴀполнять пᴘᴇдстᴀвлᴇннʏю нижᴇ ᴀнкᴇтʏ.

₁. твои нᴀстоящиᴇ имя и фᴀмилия. мы вᴇдь должны знᴀть, кᴀк к тᴇҕᴇ оҕᴘᴀщᴀться.
₂. сколько тᴇҕᴇ лᴇт? лʏчшᴇ говоᴘи пᴘᴀвдʏ. ᴇсли ты отвᴇтствᴇнный чᴇловᴇк и готов ᴘᴀҕотᴀть, то то, что тᴇҕᴇ мᴇньшᴇ ₁₃, никᴀк нᴇ помᴇшᴀᴇт.
₃. ᴇсть ли ʏ тᴇҕя опыт ᴘᴀҕоты кп или ʏпᴘᴀвляющим? ᴇсли дᴀ, то гдᴇ? (кстᴀти, ᴇсли подоҕного опытᴀ ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇщᴇ нᴇ ҕыло, можᴇшь нᴇ волновᴀться, мы с ʏдовольствиᴇм нᴀʏчим тᴇҕя всᴇмʏ, что знᴀᴇм сᴀми)
₄. кᴀк хоᴘошо ты знᴀᴇшь ᴘʏсский язык? оцᴇни по шкᴀлᴇ от ₁ до ₅.
₅. ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇсть фᴇйки или дᴘʏгиᴇ стᴘᴀницы? ᴇсли дᴀ, ʏкᴀжи ссылки нᴀ них.
₆. ᴘᴀсскᴀжи нᴇмного о сᴇҕᴇ. опиши свой хᴀᴘᴀктᴇᴘ, можᴇшь повᴇдᴀть оҕ ʏвлᴇчᴇниях и том, что тᴇҕᴇ нᴘᴀвится. всᴇ-тᴀки тᴀк нᴀм ҕʏдᴇт пᴘощᴇ ᴘᴀҕотᴀть с тоҕой)
₇. ʏ тᴇҕя ᴇсть своҕодный номᴇᴘ или ʏжᴇ готовᴀя стᴘᴀницᴀ пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ?
₈. нʏ и нᴀконᴇц, кᴀкого пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ ты хочᴇшь зᴀнять? нᴀсколько хоᴘошо ты знᴀᴇшь ᴇго кᴀнон? ᴘᴀсскᴀжи о ᴇго хᴀᴘᴀктᴇᴘᴇ в нᴇскольких стᴘочкᴀх. (список зᴀнятых и своҕодных пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй ты сможᴇшь нᴀйти в коммᴇнтᴀᴘиях к этой зᴀписи)
₉. ᴀ что нᴀсчᴇт должности? нᴀ кᴀкʏю пᴘᴇтᴇндʏᴇшь? (список должностᴇй чʏть нижᴇ)
₁₀. остᴀвишь стᴘᴀницʏ пᴘи ʏходᴇ? ᴇсли онᴀ создᴀнᴀ нᴀ твой номᴇᴘ, ты можᴇшь зᴀҕᴘᴀть ᴇᴇ сᴇҕᴇ, лиҕо жᴇ отдᴀть ᴘолᴇвой. в тᴀком слʏчᴀᴇ мы ʏкᴀжᴇм, чтоҕы слᴇдʏющий влᴀдᴇлᴇц пᴘивязᴀл дᴘʏгой номᴇᴘ.
₁₁. нᴀпиши ᴘп-пост пᴘо своᴇго пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴀ нᴀ своҕоднʏю тᴇмʏ. ᴘᴀзмᴇᴘ пᴘимᴇᴘно ₁₅ компьютᴇᴘных стᴘок.

× ʏпᴘᴀвляющий гг/ зᴀмᴇститᴇль ʏпᴘᴀвляющᴇго гг (возьмʏ опытного);
× ʏпᴘᴀвляющий дг/ зᴀмᴇститᴇль ʏпᴘᴀвляющᴇго дг (возьмʏ опытного);
× ᴀнкᴇтолог;
× игоᴘовод;
× ᴘʏҕᴘиковод;
× ᴘᴀспᴘᴇдᴇляющий;
× отвᴇтствᴇнный зᴀ ʏчᴇт ʏчᴀстников;
× постовик дг;
× лидᴇᴘы стоᴘон;
× отвᴇтствᴇнный зᴀ ᴘп-вᴇчᴇᴘᴀ.

ᴇсли зᴀхочᴇшь поподᴘоҕнᴇᴇ ʏзнᴀть о кᴀкой-то из должностᴇй, оҕᴘᴀщᴀйся к нᴀм, мы с ᴘᴀдостью отвᴇтим нᴀ люҕыᴇ твои вопᴘосы!

список зᴀнятых пᴇᴘсонᴀжᴇй ҕʏдᴇт оҕновляться в коммᴇнтᴀᴘиях. ҕʏдᴇм с нᴇтᴇᴘпᴇниᴇм ждᴀть твою ᴀнкᴇтʏ. ʏдᴀчи, милый дᴘʏг!


Maki Zenin

Maki Zenin

Biographical Information



Personal Description





Hair Color

Eye Color

Professional Status






First Appearance

Manga Debut

Anime Debut


Japanese Voice

English Voice

Maki Zenin ( 禪 ( ぜん ) 院 ( いん ) 真 ( ま ) 希 ( き ) , Zen’in Maki ? ) is a major supporting character in Jujutsu Kaisen and one of the main protagonists of its prequel, Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Jujutsu High.

She is currently a second-year at Tokyo Jujutsu High. Originally from the Zenin family, Maki left on her own due to being rejected for her lack of cursed energy. She studies to become a strong sorcerer despite her own family working against her.



Maki is a tall athletic young woman with golden eyes and long black hair (dark green in the anime) normally tied into a ponytail. She has a fringe over her forehead with smaller strands framing her cheeks and is usually sporting a pair of glasses that allows her to see curses.

Maki’s jujutsu student uniform consists of the traditional long sleeve jacket with a skirt. As a first year, she wore long socks with shoes with her uniform, but she currently wears black leggings.

While training, Maki wears a black jersey with dark colored cuffs, collar, and bottom edge, dark colored shorts over black pants, and white shoes. While training Yuta Okkotsu, Maki wore the same top, black shorts, black socks, and white shoes. Her casual clothes consist of a white hoodie over a black and white horizontal shirt, white shorts over black pants, and white boots.

Following the events of the Shibuya Incident, the left side of Maki’s body is covered in third-degree burns following her encounter with Jogo. Her hair has also been cut shorter. She wears a jacket and a belt over her student uniform.

As a child, Maki had he hair extended to the bottom of her head, a dark colored kimono with a black sash. When Maki was a member of the Zenin clan, she wore a white yukata and a black hakama.


Maki yelling at Yuta for getting them in a troublesome situation.

Maki is a very headstrong and straightforward person who tends to be quite blunt. She is strong willed and motivates herself to escape the ties of her sorcerer family. For her entire life, she has been mistreated and put down for being a woman and a non-sorcerer by the Zenin family.

Despite feeling cursed by her own family, Maki strives to become a sorcerer and prove everyone wrong, breaking the foundation of their way of life that she so rejects. Maki and Mai were originally going to stay together with the Zenin family but the older twin decided she couldn’t live that way.

Rejected by her own family, Maki’s bonds lie within her classmates whom she normally takes the leadership role with. She’s very tough on them in training, very impatient and often hot-tempered. She only wishes to see them get stronger as they fight beside her and has taught many of her peers how to properly wield a variety of weapons, even if they had to get beaten up by her a lot to reach that point.

Maki telling herself not to go feeling accepted for once.

With Yuta, Maki was initially annoyed with his shy attitude and felt that he had no business being at Tokyo Jujutsu High as a cursed victim. However, after fighting beside him and learning to understand one another, Maki discovered they weren’t so different. In fact, Yuta was the first person to truly make her feel accepted. In this instance, Maki’s tough exterior tried to repress her emotions with frustration but she couldn’t help but feel moved in a very rare show of emotion.

All of the students at Tokyo Jujutsu High respect her, and Yuji could feel her aura of leadership before even getting to know her. On missions, Maki is always focused on the task at hand is professional as a sorcerer. She follows orders and can even work with her family members cordially if the task calls for it. Additionally, while competing against her twin sister, Maki treated it as any other fight and dispatched her quickly.

Abilities and Powers

Maki easily exorcising curses.

Overall Skill Level: Maki’s Grade 4 sorcerer ranking is not at all reflective of her actual ability in battle. Her promotion was stalled for years due to the Zenin family and she can easily exorcise a grade 2 curse. Her physical prowess is second only to Yuji Itadori’s among the students and she is a master of a wide assortment of different weapons. Wielding cursed tools, Maki is an effective sorcerer despite her lack of cursed energy because she makes up for it with astonishing physical abilities.

Maki quickly catching up to Kasumi.

Compared to other jujutsu students, Maki is often underestimated. However, she was able to effortlessly overwhelm Kasumi Miwa as well as completely dominate her sister in a fight. Against special grade cursed spirits, Maki has proven to be a valuable asset in battle. She and Megumi Fushiguro were able to buy enough time against Hanami for reinforcements to arrive. While fighting alongside Naobito Zenin and Kento Nanami against Dagon, Maki was a step slower than the seasoned grade 1 sorcerer but was still able to hold her own as well.

Master Weapons Specialist: Able to wield a wide assortment of different weapons, Maki is considered to be an expert in all sorts of weaponry. She normally uses spears in battle but is fully capable of switching between multiple weapons in the course of a single fight. During the Goodwill Event, Maki broke the handle of her own spear, then took Kasumi’s sword, and once that broke, she utilized a three section staff to fight. She is also fully capable of incorporating martial arts such as aikido into close range combat.

Maki using an aikido disarming technique.

Additionally, Maki is also a very capable teacher. Not only did she turn Yuta in a swordsman practitioner and a decent sparring partner, she’s also helped Megumi learn to wield different weapons as well.

High Intellect: Raised by the Zenin family, Maki has a good grasp on all aspects of the jujutsu world. She can stay one step of her opponent in battle and can read other people’s moves through their personalities. Maki was the one who came up with the Tokyo Team’s initial strategy to counter Aoi Todo’s one track mind and brute strength.

Enhanced Strength: Maki possess extraordinarily high levels of strength, capable of overpowering weaker opponents with ease. She was able to knock Aoi Todo, a notoriously strong student, out cold by hitting him in the face with a baseball. Maki also broke a wooden polearm over her thigh, something no normal human would be capable of.

Enhanced Speed & Reflexes: Maki is extremely fast and possesses superhuman reflexes, enough for a special grade cursed spirit like Hanami to acknowledge her prowess. She is sharp and highly mobile, capable of effortlessly slicing bullets out of the air with a sword and can even catch a bullet shot at close range with her bare hands.

Enhanced Durability & Vitality: Maki was able to withstand a point-blank attack by Jogo’s innate technique (Disaster Flames), although the attack left her unconscious and seriously injured, she still resisted it much better than other sorcerers of rank 1 or higher. She was able to recover from her injuries in a few days to the point of being able to return to action, although they left severe scars on her face.


Cursed Energy Manipulation
Zero Cursed Energy: Maki originally possessed very low levels of cursed energy, comparable to the average non-sorcerer. She couldn’t see curses without glasses imbued with cursed energy and still has to use cursed tools to exorcise them. With Mai’s death, Maki’s sister took the remaining cursed energy between them. This improved Maki’s Heavenly Restriction in a similar fashion to Toji Fushiguro, making her immensely more powerful.
Heavenly Restriction

As a trade-off for her low cursed energy, Maki has superhuman physical prowess. She was born with extraordinary physical capabilities that would eventually grow into superhuman strength and speed. This is what allows Maki to act as a jujutsu sorcerer despite not having enough cursed energy to be truly considered one. This further improved after Maki lost what little cursed energy she had, greatly increasing her physical prowess even further.


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